Writing for Money - Business

Have you always dreamed of making money doing what you love, writing? Did you know that there are ways of writing for money even if you are not a published writer with a best seller. If you want a site created by successful and experienced writers for writers, then you have come to the right place. We will give you all the tools and knowledge you need to launch a successful writing career. 


Showing Tag: "associated content" (Show all posts)

The Secret to Brand Development with Associated Content

Posted by Edson Phicil on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, In : Brand 
You’ll hear me say this all the time, so pound it into your head now: brand development is one of the most import factors that will make you a successful freelance writer. That’s right, even if you are a sub-par writer, if you build a nice image and respect for yourself you will always be able to find writing jobs.

There are some things that you need to understand about starting a career a freelance writer. I’m sure if any of you have worked for any company, you’ve been instructed to ...
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How Much Money Can You Make Writing Articles for Associated Content

Posted by Edson Phicil on Tuesday, September 7, 2010, In : Finance 
I knew that I would have to cover this topic eventually, but that I still wasn’t looking forward to it. Young writers simply want to know if they can make money writing articles for Associated Content. And if they can, how much can they make. Unfortunately that is not a simple question to answer. I know you won’t be satisfied with an answer like “It differs from person to person,” or “The sky is the limit.” You probably want something more concrete, hard numbers.

The problem is it...
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